
  1. Beatlab let’s you make your own beats or remix beats uploaded by other users.
  2.  The TEDeducation website has hundreds of short and often rather interesting videos on English, social studies, science, math and more
  3. Khan Academy Computer Science Tutorials (An introduction into computer code uses a split screen to show how programs look when they run, and the how they were written.  It also lets you edit the code and see how that changes the program.  I think Basketball Decisions and Paddle Ball are pretty cool, and there is some more introductory tutorials under drawing and programming basics)
  4. Study Ladder  (you will be given a user name and password.  The first set of activities are tasks that I have grade level appropriate tasks that I have set for you)
  5. Brain Pop (user name and password can be found in your technology log)
  6. (This web site has some really good tutorials on navigating the internet, and using Microsoft Word and Excel)
  7. Cool Math
  8. Sporcle (some of the trivia might be a little hard, but I recommend the state naming game, the US President’s Bunker, and many of the typing challenges.  Feel free to look around and let us know about the games you like in the comments.)
  9. Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing  (log in information to come)
  10. Compass Learning  (log in information to come)
  11. Prezi Presentation Creator
  12. Wordle: Allows you to create word clouds from preexisting text (copy and paste), or by entering your own words

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